HitLeap * 1 Largest autosurf in the world. Customizable HTTP referer, geotargeting, bounce rate, and visit length.
autosurf * 1 Largest autosurf in the world. Customizable HTTP referer, geotargeting, bounce rate, and visit length.
BigHits4U * .7 Custom HTTP referer, visit duration, geotargeting, bounce rate. Dedicated surfing software.
247AutoHits 30 .5 Convert credits to banner and text link views. 50% cash commissions for upgraded members.
eBesucher * .8 Customizable timer and delivery rate, geotargeting. Can sell credits for cash. Multi-language site.
Twistrix * .6 Geotargeting, custom timer, option for anonymous HTTP referer. Weekly contest with cash rewards.
Otohits * 1 Custom timer and HTTP referer. Surfing application.
ManyHit 10 .8 Launch unlimited autosurf instances from different IPs. Also has manual surf with cash rewards.
10KHits * .8 Custom timer, geotargeting for upgraded members.
AlexaMaster 10 1 Get autosurf hits, Youtube views, and Facebook fans. Sell credits for cash. Geotargeting for VIP members.
WebSyndic * .8 Custom timer, geotargeting, multiple session surfing.
LinkCollider 30 .3 In addition to autosurf hits, use the same tokens to get social media likes, shares, and followers.
GlobalBlaster 10 .5 Surf in a browser or a separate desktop application.
Hit4Hit 20 .8 Also provides manual visits, Facebook and Youtube views. Vote for the best site via Battle Pages system.
AutoWebSurf * .5 Surfing app with unlimited sessions for different IPs. Convert credits to banner and text link views.
24besucher 15 .7 German autosurf which lets you convert credits to PayPal money. Regular referral & surfing contests.
CrunchingBT 20 .7 German autosurf with credit-to-cash conversion.
TurboTraffic 25 .7 German autosurf with credit-to-cash conversion.
AutoVisitor 20 .7 German autosurf with credit-to-cash conversion. * .5 Russian autosurf with custom HTTP referer, variable visit length, geotargeting, and surfing software. * .5 Russian site with custom referer and surfing app. * .5 Russian site with custom referer and surfing app. * .5 Russian site with custom referer and surfing app. * .5 Russian autosurf with custom HTTP referer.
HuskyHits 15 .5 Also offers manual surf, banner advertising, cash rewards. Rate increases for surfing the day before.
20 .5 Top promoter contest with credit prizes. Up to 40% commissions. Play ViralTrafficGames while surfing.
NetVisiteurs * 1 French autosurf with custom referer, framebreaker protection, and option to get unique visitors.
FeelingSurf 10 .6 French autosurf with option to get unique visitors. 10 .5 French autosurf with framebreaker protection.
Lautosurf 10 .5 French autosurf with framebreaker protection.